Asian red elk
The Central Asian red deer is a primordial group of Elk subspecies, which is found at the southern and eastern rim of the Tibetan plateau. Sometimes it is treated.
Physical Description
The elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) is one of the largest species within the deer family, Until recently, red deer and elk were considered to be one species, Cervus These Chinese subspecies are sometimes treated as a distinct species , namely the Central Asian red deer (Cervus wallichi), which also includes the.
Description:The archaeological record suggests that elk became very abundant after European diseases decimated Native American populations in the 16th century, thus greatly reducing human predation. Bulls also dig holes in the ground, in which they urinate and roll their body. Antlers of Caspian red deer carry large bez tines and form less-developed cups than western European red deer, their antlers are thus more like the "throw back" top tines of the wapiti C. In some Caribou populations, the mean body weight of males can be twice that of females.
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